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When a call terminates on Stratus, you will see a release reason displayed in the Call History table. Common Release Reasons Value Description Cancel Connect The connection was cancelled at any point of the call. Connect The call was connected to another destination. For example, a call answered by an auto attendant and then connected to an extensi
What are Voicemail Reminders A Voicemail Reminder is a persistent notification that alerts users by email when there is a new voicemail message. This critical feature can be a great asset in time-sensitive or otherwise urgent situations. Whether it be an elderly resident slipping and falling in a retirement facility, a renter's sink flooding in an
Implementation Step 1: Add a Time Frame To add a forwarding rule into your routing, you will need to make a Time Frame. To do so… Navigate to the Time Frames page. Click the Add Time Frame button. Name the time frame you are creating something that is easily identifiable, in this case Temp Forward. Select When the time frame should be active. If you
Location of the Destination Feature Setting This particular setting is called a Feature and it is found in a subsection of the configuration form for each feature that supports it.The following features have a destination feature setting: Feature Section in Form Feature Codes Default destination Numbers Default destination Telephone lines On no answ
Change a Name There are four places that should be updated when a name is changed: Telephone lines People Mailboxes Speed dials The Telephone Line's Name The first section that will need the name adjustment is Telephone lines. To adjust the name shown for that user's telephone line… Navigate to Features → Telephone lines. In the Telephone lines menu
Music on Hold Features Added in v43 One of the improvements implemented into the MoH section is the ability to customize the flow of your Music on Hold. Messages can be added that act as announcements. These messages play in between the songs being played as the on-hold music. The music being played can also be ordered or randomized depending on you
In some circumstances, it may be necessary to forward a voicemail to a coworker or supervisor. To do this… Log into the correct portal, Enswitch 1 or Enswitch 2. Click on Messages. Find the voicemail that you would like to forward. Click the checkbox next to the message to select it. Click the Copy or move selected button. Select the mailboxes you
What is MFA? Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), sometimes referred to as 2-Factor Authentication (2FA), is a security measure that requires users to provide multiple forms of identity verification in order to gain access to their account. MFA is used commonly to keep companies’ cloud accounts secure by preventing and deterring brute force hack attem
How Do I Adjust My Business Hours? If your business hours have changed and you need the phones to ring at different times you can adjust the business hours using the instructions provided. We are going to be able to adjust the business hours time frame using the instructions below. Navigate to the Features → Times and dates. ✔ The Times and dates se
View and Download a Yealink User Guide Place a Call Method 1 Pick up the handset or press the Speaker key. Dial the number or press the line key associated with the speed dial of the number you would like to call. Press the Send key. Alternatively, press the # key. Method 2 Dial the number using the keypad or press the line key associated with the
Use Wi-Fi to Connect Whether the user is working at home or in in a part of the office without an ethernet connection, Yealink phones have the capability of connecting wirelessly to a network. WARNING: We only recommend using Wi-Fi if there is no other way to get an ethernet cable to where the phone is located. Wi-Fi is not the most reliable connec
Block a Caller If you are having issues with malicious, spam, and/or robo callers and know their phone numbers, you can block those phone numbers from calling back in. To block certain callers from placing inbound calls to yourself… Navigate to the Answering Rules page. In your Answering Rules page, click the Allow / Block button. In the BLOCKED NUM
What is a Ping Test? One of the simplest ways to check the general quality of your internet is to run a ping test. A ping test is fairly simple to do. You can instruct your device to send a “ping” to another device by using packets. The recipient device then sends a “ping”, or packet, back to the sending device. As the computer is tracking this comm
Assemble the Phone The first step to setting up a Yealink phone for the first time is to assemble it. Yealink phones are easy to put together as only the stand piece and handset need to be attached. Attach the Stand The stand piece can attach to the back of the Yealink phone to allow the phone to be placed at an angle on a desk. Insert the back of
Access StratusWEB PHONE Quick Tip: A Chromium-based browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, etc.) is recommended for the Stratus Web Portal. Use the Stratus Web Portal Log in to the Stratus Web Portal. Click Apps and select StratusWEB PHONE from the drop-down. Directly Log in to StratusWEB PHONE Users can also go straight to the Strat
Scope: Only Office Managers will be able to create and adjust time frames for the organization and all users. Site Managers will be able to adjust the Time Frames for their Site's users. Basic Users can only adjust their own Time Frames. To ensure calls during your observed holidays are being routed to a different destination, you can create a hol
While handling a call, it may be necessary to pass the phone call along to a user, call queue, or an external phone number. This can be done through transferring. Using your Yealink cordless handset, there are three different types of transfer that can be utilized depending on how exactly the call needs to be transferred and handled: Blind Transf
When will I receive my invoices? Invoices are sent out approximately on the 15th of every month. The invoice will then be due on the first of the following month. Why does my first invoice have multiple months of service? The first invoice you receive will include multiple months because SpectrumVoIP bills in advance. Typically, the first bill will
Overview Call recordings can be pushed to your cloud storage service nightly. Recordings of calls from before the set-up date are not guaranteed. Recordings from All Calls made will be pushed to the specified server. We are not able to pick and choose which recordings to transfer. Recordings are only able to be pushed Daily. Not monthly or weekly
A user must be created before adding a conference. If you are interested in being able to host conferences for more than 3 people, then implementing a Conference Bridge may be a great option for you! To get one set up, please reach out to our technical support team by calling (469) 429-2500, dialing HELP/4357 on a desk phone, or emailing support@
Configure Email Notifications for Your Voicemails As a Basic User, you have the ability to configure email notifications for the voicemails you receive using the Stratus web portal. To do this… Log in to the Stratus web portal. Click your Name in the top right corner and select Profile. In the Change Account Security section of the Profile window, m
Reboot Press and hold the "x" button underneath the Arrow Cluster highlighted by the red box below: A prompt will appear on the phone asking if you would like to reboot. Press the "ok" button to confirm. Factory Reset Press and hold the "ok" button in the center of the Arrow Cluster highlighted by the red box below: A prompt will appear on the phone
Requirements: To access your voicemail box, you will need your voicemail PIN. If you are unsure of what your PIN is, please contact technical support. Check Your Voicemail On your desk phone, you can check your voicemail messages at any time. Press the "Message" button on your phone. Note: Depending on the model of your phone, the Message key w
From the Command Line Interface WARNING: Please pay particular attention to spaces and dashes in the CLI based steps, or you may receive error warnings. Step 1: Remove SIP Helper In the Command Line Interface (CLI) run the following commands: config system session-helper show For this example, edit 13 contains SIP WARNING: Depending on your deploy
What does UDP Timeout mean? UDP Timeout refers to the amount of time a UDP Pinhole stays open on a Firewall or Router. Depending on the equipment this timeout can range from a few seconds to many minutes. Most devices fall under the minute(s) range. Quick Tip: We recommend UDP Timeout for Stratus phones to be set at 30 or 60 seconds. Warning: Leavin
Changing Addresses At some point, you may need to move offices or buildings at an address, or outright change addresses altogether. When the main address for the phones changes, we recommend giving our technical support team a call or email to let our team know of any important updates to your service address and how the internet network is configur
Hearing static on a call can indicate that something on the other end of the call is producing it (easily determined if the issue persists with certain called parties) or something on your end. It could be a headset, handset, handset cord, or any other device attached to your telephone. Static can also be introduced via the phone's power supply and
If you are wanting to purchase additional phones or accessories through the SpectrumVoIP Store, you can do so at If you are a Tax Exempt organization, you are able to take advantage of your status when making a purchase. To do so, simply check out like normal, then when you get to the payment information section you will see
Who is Responsible for These Phantom Calls? First of all, it should be pointed out that this is rarely due to your IP phone provider, though as we will find out, there are things we can do to block ghost calls. Often these phantom phone calls are due to automated programs randomly scanning IP (Internet Protocol) ports, often referred to as port scan
Resolution While troubleshooting issues with a Polycom phone, it may be necessary to give the IP address of the phone to the technician. To find the IP address and other important information about the phone's status… Access the phone's menu by pressing the Home button: Inside the Home menu, navigate to Settings. Scroll down to option 4 and select
Record Portions of a Call Sometimes users may want to only have certain calls or certain parts of calls recorded at their command. For an individual call to be recorded there is a code you can dial on your SpectrumVoIP phone that will start recording and a code to stop recording. The web portal also has a Call Popup feature that can be used to toggl
What is STIR/SHAKEN? STIR/SHAKEN is a technology framework designed to reduce fraudulent robocalls and illegal phone number spoofing. Why is it called STIR/SHAKEN? STIR stands for Secure Telephony Identity Revisited. SHAKEN stands for Secure Handling of Asserted information using toKENs. The FCC has adopted rules requiring service providers to dep
How Do I Login to the SnapMobile App? Once a customer has downloaded the Snap Mobile App they will need the following information to log in: Host/ID: stratusmobile Login: the customer's login username for the Stratus Web Portal Password: the customer's password for the Stratus Web Portal
Call Parking Overview Call Parking allows callers to be placed in virtual Parking Spots. The Caller can then be picked up by another phone on the account to continue the phone call. This is similar to when a caller is placed on Hold. The caller can then be picked up again to continue the conversation by taking the caller Off Hold. With Call Parking,
Note This method of faxing through email is specifically for customers using the Fax03 solution for their faxes. If you are not using Fax03, please see our articles referencing StratusFax. Where to Start When there are issues sending faxes through email, there are several things that you can check to ensure you are using your fax to email service
STRATUSconnect is a third-party application so therefore it is not considered a free Stratus Feature. Customers that elect to receive service through this product will incur an additional cost per seat. Installation If the link was not already provided to you, here is the direct link to download our integration software called STRATUSconnect: htt
WARNING: Call Center Reporting is for Call Queues. Call Queues must have their Statistics option set to “Yes”. This will allow Stratus to collect statistics for the call queue. Enable Call Statistics Tracking for Call Queues In order for statistics to be recorded, your call center's call queues will need to have Statistics enabled in their Basic se
For more information about the other Voicemail Settings available to adjust, feel free to read this article. How To.. Navigate to Voicemail Greetings as a Basic User Once you log in to the Stratus web portal, click on the message icon then go to the Settings tab below. Navigate to Voicemail Greetings as an Office Manager For those with Office M
Scope: A user scope of a Call Center Supervisor or above, will be able to add and manage the statuses agents can select from when going offline temporarily. Manage Custom Agent Statuses By using custom statuses that differ from Stratus' pre-defined statuses (e.g., Lunch , Break , and Meeting ), call center supervisors can further organize how thei
Forward Your Phone's Calls In some situations, it may be necessary to forward your extension's calls to a telephone number. ✔ This can be useful for forwarding calls to an answering service or your own cellphone. To forward your extension's calls to a specific phone number… Navigate to Features → Telephone lines. Click your 7-digit extension numb
Explore Our Guided Phone Tutorial Handset Components # Button Name Function 1 Receiver Receives audio in receiver mode. 2 Power Indicator LED Indicates call status, message status and charging status. 3 LCD Screen Shows information. 4 Soft Keys Depending on the status of the phone, the functions for the soft keys will change. 5 Message Key Accesse
Port Rejection Reasons Pending Order A pending order usually means there is a change request in your account. It could be something like an address or name change, or a change in the account package. When a change request is entered into an account it is processed as an order. If you have recently made any type of change to your account, it is poss
Get Started with StratusLINK StratusLINK is a Google Chrome Extension that can be used for certain features like Click to Call, Call Pop Ups, Recording Pauses, and Faxing. Click Here to Download StratusLINK Chrome extensions can be downloaded to Microsoft Edge as well via the Chrome Web Store. Once installed on your Chromium-based browser, like Goog
Scope: This feature is only available to users with a user scope of Call Center Supervisor or higher. Call Center Agents cannot prioritize calls. Note: The ability to prioritize calls that are waiting in queues was introduced in Stratus V43. Prioritizing calls that are waiting in a call queue allows greater control over how calls are being rece
Your 911 Registered Address If an emergency arises, ensuring that your physical address is accurately registered in the 911 system could be a matter of life and death. At SpectrumVoIP, security and safety is our top priority, and we encourage our customers to confirm their 911 address on a regular basis. To do so, follow the simple instructions belo
Stratus works best in Google Chrome and other Chromium-based web browsers (e.g., Chromium, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera, and more). Accessing StratusCONSOLE When logged in to the Stratus Web portal, click on the Apps button in the top right-hand corner next to your username, and then select the option for StratusCONSOLE like so: Doing so will open
Prerequisites There are a few things to be sure of before considering enabling and using SpectrumVoIP's texting service: The telephone number must have SMS/MMS messaging enabled by our technical support team. NOTE: You will need to be the owner of the account to enable the service with our Technical Support team. Your business must have a regist
General Configuration WARNING: It is recommended to consult your IT, MSP (Managed Service Provider), or another network professional when configuring advanced network settings or devices. While resolving any network issues, we also recommend configuring and testing Bandwidth Management/Traffic Shaping policies that prioritize VoIP traffic on your ro
Scope: The information in this guide is intended for use by Resellers, Office Managers, and Site Managers. Users with a lower scope will not be able to access the Conferences page of Stratus. What is a Conference Bridge? A Conference Bridge is a form of remote meeting hosted by a phone system that goes beyond what the three-way call feature can of
Prepare to Port Your Numbers Over to SpectrumVoIP If you are looking to have your phone numbers supported and routed by our team, you can start a port-in request with our Porting Team to have those phone numbers transferred to our services. To do so, our Porting Department will need… A list of the telephone numbers you wish to port. The most recent
To view our list of how to dial internationally and our accepted International Country Codes for dialing, check out this article. WARNING: By default, SpectrumVoIP phones have international dialing Disabled in order to prevent accidental international fee fraud. Please contact Technical Support if you would like International Calls Enabled on you
Scope: In order to make the updates outlined in this guide, you will need Office Manager or Site Manager permissions. Block a Caller If you are having issues with malicious, spam, and/or robo callers and know their phone numbers, you can block those phone numbers from calling back in. To block certain callers from placing inbound calls to your who
During installation, you should have received a login name and password to use for logging into the Stratus web portal. NOTE: If you have not yet received a login, please contact our support so we can provide you with the necessary information. Get Logged In To log into the Stratus web portal using your credentials… Visit www.stratus.spectrumvoip
How to Reach Out SpectrumVoIP's Technical Support department can be reached in 4 primary ways: Place a phone call to our team by calling 469-429-2500 . Live Chat with an agent while reading one of our articles or use our Support Website . Send an email to Submit a Ticket online through our Support Website or our Knowledge Ba
Getting Connected In order for our phones to be able to take and place calls, the phones need to be connected to a network with a stable internet connection. One device we offer that can facilitate an internet network is called a Connected IO. To use Wi-Fi to connect a Yealink phone to a Connected IO device's network… Plug in any needed Wi-Fi adap
NOTE: The transferring process detailed below should work regardless of the phone model; however, button location may differ depending on the phone's model. What is the Difference? Blind transferring is when you transfer a call to another destination without announcing the call. This call will ring directly to the destination after you transfer it
Overview Caller ID is a best-effort service that is managed by both the sending and receiving carriers. A request to fix an incorrect caller ID on our end can be made by emailing SpectrumVoIP support ( with the number(s) you want to have updated, along with what you would like them to be updated to say. CNAM names are limit
Overview Though there are many types of non-fraudulent robocalls, ranging from emergency alerts to solicited telemarketing messages, the number of illegitimate calls remains significant and grows substantially each year. To try to help prevent and mitigate scam calls, phone service carriers and other service providers have developed their own tools
Access the Billing Portal To view your SpectrumVoIP bill, make payments, or set up auto pay, you can log into and use our Billing web portal . Note: If you need assistance setting up an account or getting logged into the Billing web portal, please reach out to our Billing Team by emailing or calling (972) 312-0388 and sele
Log Into the Stratus Web Portal Open a web browser and go to . Enter your Stratus login credentials. Your Login Name should be your extension number@domain. For Example… Extension Number = 1002 Domain = Login Name = If you do not know or forgot your password, you can use the For
A diagram displaying the layout and components of a Yealink T-58V IP phone. Phone Layout Component Function 1 Power Indicator LED Depending on the status of the phone, the power indicator LED may light up in different ways. 2 Touch Screen 7-inch (1024 x 600) capacitive (5 points) touch screen. This screen shows information about calls, messages,
Overview Automated Attendants and IVRs (Interactive Voice Recordings) allow for callers to navigate to specific destinations within your phone system. Most of the time, these options are listed using an audio message that is played to the caller. After hearing the message, the caller can select an option to route their call to that destination. But
Dialing Out To call internationally, dial 011 + the full international number. This includes country code, area code, and the local international number. International rates vary based on the country you are calling and the current rates. WARNING: By default, SpectrumVoIP phones have international dialing Disabled in order to prevent accidental int
Text in the Web Portal When SMS has been set up for your account, you can use the Stratus web portal to send and received text and multi-media messages. WARNING: In order to use SMS/MMS messaging, an SMS Campaign must be created and registered for your organization. To have SMS set up, feel free to contact our technical support team by calling (46
Scope: Office Managers and Site Managers will be able to adjust the Answering Rules and Time Frames for their organization and all users. Basic Users can adjust their own Answering Rules and Time Frames. Set Up Your Inbound Call Routing Using the Stratus web portal, call routing and forwarding can be set up using Time Frames and Answering Rules. T
Explore Our Guided Phone Tutorial Update Settings/Configurations. There are a couple of ways to force a Polycom device to check in with the provisioning server. From the Device Navigate to Settings → Basic → Update Configuration From the Stratus Web Portal Navigate to Inventory → Phone Hardware then click on the edit button for the selected device
Resolution Whenever a Polycom phone may be running into issues or needing an update, rebooting the phone is a great solution. To reboot the phone using its menu… Access the phone's menu by pressing the home button: The home button should open the home screen. Use the directional pad to navigate through the menu: Navigate to the settings screen: Pre
What is an Auto Attendant? Instead of relying on an operator to answer and route callers, an Auto Attendant can be implemented to allow callers to listen to a prompt and select where their call should be routed using the dial pad menu of their phones. Using an auto attendant is also useful for giving callers a message during times outside of the set
Access StratusWALLBOARD To access the StratusWALLBOARD using the Call Center tab… Navigate to the Call Center page. Click the STRATUSwallboard button to launch the app. Quick Tip: Alternatively, StratusWALLBOARD can be accessed through the Apps drop-down: StratusWALLBOARD can also be accessed by searching
Overview Call recordings will only be available to search from within the portal for a maximum of 6 months (180 days). CDR’s (Call Data Records) will have the same policy of 6 months to access recordings in the portal. This will be automatic and without any charges. If the customer needs to access CDRs from month 7 onward, they can simply click on t
Installing the Zoiper Mobile App for Android The Zoiper Softphone app is available from the Google Play Store - Zoiper SIP Softphone For iPhone please see Enswitch - WaveLink Softphone for iPhone The following information will be required to register the Zoiper application and can be obtained by submitting a support request. Platform: ES1 or ES2 Te
Call Forwarding Your Yealink phone will give you three options of forwards to configure to ensure your calls are being answered when your phone is not available to be answered in certain conditions. Setting a forward can be useful when you need your calls to be handled someone instead of having the caller leave a voicemail. These forwards include… A
Overview In the event of an outage, such as those due to Electricity or Internet Service Provider issues, call queues can be set up to automatically forward phone calls to a preassigned destination. This will allow calls to continue coming into a secondary destination such as a Cell Phone, Auto Attendant, Voicemailbox, or Answering Service. Scope:
Scope: This guide is intended to be used by any user that is having connection issues with their phone. Note: Although this guide references Yealink phones for troubleshooting, these troubleshooting steps can be applied to almost any device. What Does “No Service” Mean? SpectrumVoIP's phones require the internet to work, so a healthy internet
Important Terms Manufacturer: The company that makes the headset. Model: The model number of the headset. Wired Headset Connection: A cable connection is required. Additional Device Needed: If additional equipment or adapters are needed, they will be listed here. Compatible Phone: Phones that this configuration is used for. IP Phone Interface Type:
Dialable Feature Codes for Stratus Note: These dialable codes are enabled for all businesses by default, but they can be turned off by request. Please reach out to Technical Support for more information about requesting default features to be modified. Feature Code Action Example *** Dynamic Call Parking Dial *** during an active call to park th
Access StratusMEETING StratusMEETING allows users of the Stratus Web Portal to host video conference meetings with their team and external users. There are two different ways you can access StratusMEETING to create and join meetings: Use the Stratus web portal. Visit StratusMEETING's URL. Use the Stratus Web Portal Login to the Stratus Web Portal .
Configure an IVR Menu Many businesses use an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) menu to allow callers to choose where their call should be routed. An IVR, also known as a phone tree, is an automated menu that plays a message for a caller and listens for any responses. Callers can press a number on their phone's dial pad, which will lead them to destin
Requirements: A username and password is required to log into the Enswitch web portals. If you do not know your login or if one was not provided to you, please contact our support so that we can ensure you are set up with the correct login and permission level. If you are unsure of which Enswitch platform your account is on, please contact our suppo
Where Can Text-to-Speech Be Utilized? Text-to-Speech can be utilized almost anywhere on the Stratus Web Portal where a user can have the system call the user to record or upload their own recording. Auto Attendants Main Greeting Intro Greeting Play Message Option Sub Tier Greeting Voicemail Greetings Main Voicemail Message Recorded Name - You can u
Scope: This guide is intended for Site Managers and Office Managers. To have the Call Flow tool enabled for Call Center Supervisors, please contact our technical support team. What is the Call Flow Feature? Call Flow is a call trace functionality, but it presents the resulting call data in accessible terms. Viewing Call Flow, more users are able
Remotely Access Your Voicemail As long as there is cell service or another SpectrumVoIP phone you can use, you can access your own voicemail to manage its settings and listen to any voicemail messages. Dial a Code on a SpectrumVoIP Phone If you have access to another SpectrumVoIP phone tied to your account, you can dial a code to access a certain m
Scope: Office Managers have the ability to create auto attendants and add them to their business' routing. Site Managers can create and route auto attendants for their own Site that they are managing. Basic Users can create answering rules that use an already existing auto attendant. Why Use a Holiday Auto Attendant? A holiday auto attendant is a
Troubleshooting One-Way Audio Check the Phone Where the Issue is Occurring: When placing or receiving a call, ensure that the call is established. A good indicator of this is the call timer that appears on the screen. Verify that the handset is connected to the correct port on the phone. The correct port is marked with a picture of a handset. Tr
To block a phone number from calling, the Enswitch web platform can be used to create a special caller route that hangs up calls from a specific phone number, prefix, or area code. To do this… Navigate to Features → Numbers. In the Numbers list, select the phone number that needs a caller blocked. ✓ Doing so will pull up the Number settings page.
Access Phone Manager To access Phone Manager to make changes… Log into Stratus. Visit the Inventory page of Stratus. Click the Phone Hardware tab to view your phones. Use the Phone Manager Launcher To customize the layout of these phones, click on the Phone Manager button OR click on the arrow to the right to access the drop-down options. Clicking
Access the Audio Monitoring Pop-Up By utilizing the Join Call (Barge), Whisper, and Listen Only features, Call Center Supervisors and Managers are able to monitor and manage the calls of their agents. Scope: These audio monitoring features are only available to users with a scope of a Call Center Supervisor or higher. Basic Users are not able to mon
This article's information may not be prevalent to all SpectrumVoIP Enswitch Customers. Yealink has introduced three, descriptive queue statuses to replace the previous ‘Other’ queue status from the ‘Queues’ menu on Yealink phones. To view the new statuses from the ‘Queues’ menu, select “More” in the bottom-right hand corner. This will then chang
Voicemail Menu Tree Diagram Download this Diagram Menu Options As you are working with your SpecturmVoIP devices, you can access your mailbox to manage your voicemail messages and perform other actions. Quick Tip: To access your mailbox, you can press the Message button on your desk phone. The StratusHUB desktop app and Stratus mobile app can als
How do I Provide Proof of Ownership for Porting Without a Bill? If you're unable to obtain a bill from your provider listing your numbers on it, you may use one of the options below to provide proof of ownership. Screenshots or a PDF from your online account showing the customer's name, customer's service address, and all phone numbers to be porte
What Invoices Will I Receive? Your SpectrumVoIP service contract has two components: the Equipment Package that is billed by your Third-Party Leasing Company, and the VoIP Service Package that is billed by SpectrumVoIP. Each of these packages have their own invoices. You can expect to be billed once your phone number(s) and services become active. F
What is an LOA? A Letter of Agency (LOA) is a document authorizing a telecommunications provider to act on a consumer's behalf. Some vendors may also call this a Letter of Authorization. This is generally required in the United States when switching a telephone service provider while keeping the current telephone number or any other service which re
Dial-By-Name Directory The Dial-By-Name Directory feature allows callers to contact employees by knowing their names. The directory is set up through the Stratus Web Portal and can include the first or last names of all employees. When the caller specified the first or last name of the person they are trying to reach, the directory confirms the nam
What is the Process to Port Out My Number to Another Provider? We hate to see you go and if there's any information or suggestions on how we can improve, we would appreciate the feedback. Note: It is im port ant that we are notified of any phone numbers that you have ported away or plan to port away in the immediate future. Doing so will help ensu
SpectrumVoIP emails invoices monthly on the 15th to the email address provided during the onboarding phase. Any payments due according to the invoice will be due on the first day of the following month. You can also view your invoices online by visiting our Billing web portal . Note: If you need help logging into the Billing web portal, would like
Scope: Office Managers and Call Center Supervisors will be able to use the Shared Contacts feature. To allow Site Managers and other specific users to see Shared Contacts, feel free to reach out to our technical support team. Manage Shared Contacts Shared Contacts allow Users with scopes of Office Manager and higher to add and edit a group of cont
Scope: In order to perform these actions, you must be logged in as an Office Manager or Call Center Supervisor. If you are unsure of how to log in or do not have a login yet, please view this linked article for more information. Edit the Agents of a Queue Visit the Call Queues page of the web portal.. Find the queue that you would like to add or
Overview If call recordings are enabled, SpectrumVoIP will host the recordings in the web portal for 30 days. After that time has passed, the call recording will no longer be available to listen to or download. This time can be extended at an additional cost; please contact our Billing department for more information on pricing. Quick Tip: Another
List of Codecs ✔ SpectrumVoIP's phone system records audio in the G.711 Wav format. Recording Type Encoding Rate Number of Channels Bits/Second Bytes/Minute Bytes/Day G.711 Raw RTP 64Kbps 1 133Kbps 1MB/min 1.5GB/day G.729 Raw RTP 8Kbps 1 26Kbps 200KB/min 300MB/day G.711 Wav 128Kbps 2 133Kbps 1MB/min 1.5GB/day GSM 13Kbps 1 22.8Kb
Overview In a call center environment, it is important to understand the outcome and reason for inbound and outbound calls. Within the SpectrumVoIP web portal, it is possible for agents to denote Call Disposition and Call Reasons as related to inbound and outbound calls. Each agent can label the outcome of both inbound and outbound calls by selecti
Note: For more information about call center reporting, including definitions of category types, feel free to read this article. Schedule Emailed Reports If needed, you can have reports of your call center statistics automatically sent to your email. This can be helpful for record-keeping. To schedule emails for your call center reports… Click th
Making Volume Adjustments Using the volume - and + buttons of the phone will adjust the volume of the phone depending on what state it is in: If you are on an active call with the handset lifted, the - and + buttons change the handset volume. If on a speakerphone call, using the - and + buttons changes the speakerphone volume. While the phone is idl
Reprioritize Your Music on Hold Songs and Messages Music On Hold files play according to the order in which they appear in the Music on Hold page (starting with the top file on the page) if the randomization setting is not selected. To change the order in which files are played… On the left side of the Music on Hold page, hover the mouse over the u
View the Call History Page On the Call History page, you can view all of the calls your users have been handling. In the Call History page's chart, you can reference different columns that contain different details and data from each call. Column Name Description From Name / From This is the phone number and contact name provided by the caller's c
Activate DND mode for a Specific Line Press the OK button to enter the main menu. Select Call Features ->Do Not Disturb. The LCD screen displays the incoming lines currently assigned to the handset. Press up or down to highlight the desired line. Press the OK soft key. Press left or right to select Enabled/Disabled from the Status field.
What are Answering Rules? Answering Rules can be configured by each user through the Stratus Web Portal. Once logged in, users can navigate to the Answering Rules Tab. Quick Tip: When no answering rules are in effect, calls will ring the user’s extension by default. This means that answering rules do not technically need to be set up for each use
Installing the Click to Call Chrome Extension 1. Use this link to Navigate to the correct Chrome Extension page. 2. Click Add to Chrome Before you continue to the next steps, make sure you do not have any unsaved information open on your Chrome Browser. The c
Create an Introduction Message If you would like to have a message play before a caller enters into a call queue… Navigate to navigate to the Call Queues page. Click the Edit MOH icon for the queue that needs an intro message. Click the Add Introduction button. In the Add Intro Message modal, create or upload a message using the following options:
What is the Dial-by-Name Menu? Dial-by-name allows callers to reach a person by entering the characters of a person's first name using their device's dial pad. When a caller enters the letters of a person's first name, the Dial-by-Name menu will read out the audio names of the users that match the digits entered. Note: When the system detects that
What is Microsoft Teams? Microsoft Teams is a proprietary business communication platform developed by Microsoft, as part of the Microsoft 365 family of products. Teams primarily competes with the similar service Slack, offering workspace chat and videoconferencing, file storage, and application integration. Teams is replacing other Microsoft-operat
Overview Stratus offers many ways to forward calls. This can be for emergencies such as power outages, or when you are simply away from your main phone for an extended period of time. This article goes over some of the most used ways to forward your calls. Note: These forwarding options will only affect the user they are applied to. For more inform
Scope: Functions featured in this guide are only available to Office Managers. Implementation Quick Tip: To implement and adjust a Temporary Forward, you can access the Stratus portal from any device on any network. If you lose power or if you lose internet, you can use your phone's web browser or you can go home and implement the “Temp Forward” t
Identifying Your Platform There are various ways to identify which platform your service is hosted on: From your SpectrumVoIP phone, dial 4360 and press Send (or #). ✓ A message will play stating the name of the platform that services your account. The URL used to log in to your phone system management's web portal will also state the platform i
Not all users will be able to use this feature. This feature requires the access of Call Center Supervisor or higher in order to be able to view. Overview The Call Flow feature is an extension of the Call Trace functionality that allows more users to troubleshoot issues by simplifying and presenting updates and details about a call: The Call Trace
What is a Telephone Power Adapter? When a phone is not connected to a network outlet that provides Power over Ethernet (PoE), a separate power supply is required for the telephone to operate. Quick Tip: Power supplies are available for purchase from our online web store and are located under the "Phone Accessories" category. SpectrumVoIP Store - Ph
It may become necessary at some point to add or replace a user's phone using your Enswitch web portal. To do so… Navigate to the appropriate platform, Enswitch1, or Enswitch2. Log in to the web portal. Navigate to Features → Telephone lines. From the Telephone lines list, click the 7-digit extension of the line that needs a phone added/swapped. ✔ Do
Scope: This guide reviews features only available to Resellers, Office Managers, and Site Managers. Reseller and Office Manager users can update any user's voicemail PIN. Site Managers are only able to update the voicemail PINs of users assigned to their site. At some point, it may be necessary to reset a user's Voicemail PIN so that they can mana
Will My Desk Phone Work at Home? Depending on how your phone was configured for operation on your office’s network, you may be able to use your phone at home. As long as the phone can receive power and a reliable, uninterrupted internet connection, the phone should be ready for use at home. To set up the phone at home… Step 1: Assemble the Phone The
If you have a new employee taking over an old employee’s extension, or simply would like to modify the name that appears on a user's phone, follow the directions below. The following can only be done by users who are set as Office Manager for their User Scope on the account. Implementation First, go to the User's Tab and click on the extension yo
Can I do video calls on Stratus with a Yealink T58V, Polycom VVX 1500 or other video phones? Yes, if the video call is made On-Net. Audio will be proxied thru the switch but the video is peer to peer. Typically, video calls will NOT work thru the PSTN because many carriers will reject the call if video codec is found in the SDP body. For this reason
Transfer Call Straight to Voicemail Sometimes you may wish to transfer a call directly to an extension's voicemailbox instead of straight to the extension for it to ring before going to voicemail. In Stratus, this can be done by adding 03 to the beginning of the extension you wish to transfer to. For Example… To transfer a call to extension 102's
Overview The WaveLink for SpectrumVoIP iPhone application is a softphone app for VoIP calls on your mobile phone. Make and receive calls on from your SpectrumVoIP account using your mobile phone Automatic configuration using your web portal credentials Direct dialing of other extensions from your mobile device Supports making calls over LTE and Wi-
Can I Have All My Calls Recorded? We support call recording for all of our customers. By default, call recordings are disabled. To enable this service for your account, please contact our technical support team. Is Call Recording a Free Service? It is free to store the call recordings for up to 30 days from when the calls were placed. If you would
Requirements: Your Enswitch username or an email address will be required to reset your password. If you do not remember your username and do not have an email address set in your account, please contact our support to ensure you are set up with a web portal login with an email address set in your account. If you are unsure of what platform your acc
SpectrumVoIP’s online Stratus portal allows Users to check their extension’s voicemail wherever there is internet access. This is often quicker and easier than checking from the automated voicemail system accessible from the desk phone. Access Your Voicemail Messages Any user can find their “Messages” here within the drop-down menu under their name:
If you would like to have your picture displayed in the portal, then please follow the steps below. These pictures will be displayed in the portal contact pop-up, contacts list, Stratus Mobile Contacts list, Stratus Mobile Web contact list, and when you mute your video in StratusMEETING. Set up Gravar Through WordPress Gravatar is set up through
Resolution Whenever a phone may be having issues and needs some troubleshooting done, the IP address of the phone may be needed. To check the phone's MAC address and IP address, press and hold down 1, 4, and 7 circled below. After holding all three buttons down for a few seconds, a new screen should display showing the IP address and MAC address in
Scope: In the Stratus Web Portal users with a scope of Site Manager and Office Manager will be able to make this change. WARNING: Calls that process through this forwarding will not appear in the Call History section of the Stratus Web Portal. This is because the calls are being routed to the new forward destination before being sent to Stratus fo
Resolution Whenever a Polycom phone is experiencing any issues or needs to re-configure, rebooting the phone is a great solution. To do so, press and hold down 1, 0, and 3 circled in the picture for a few seconds: After holding all three buttons down for a few seconds the phone will reboot.
Overview This article provides a detailed overview of the new Messages section of our updated Music on Hold (MoH) page available in the Portal from the StratusV43 update. A couple of these improvements include a new Messages Section, an updated User Interface (UI) for our Music on Hold feature, and the ability to control more of how these messages a
Scope: This guide is intended for use by Call Center Supervisors, Site Managers, and Office Managers. Overview Users can be edited on an individual basis in the portal, but sometimes it is necessary to bulk edit several users at once. Using the Bulk Edit feature, you can edit specific settings for multiple users all at once. There is currently no
Similar to some Yealink desk phones, the Yealink W59R handset has built-in Bluetooth to allow you to pair a wireless headset for handsfree calling. These paired headsets can be connected to and managed as you would on a desk phone. Enable or Disable Bluetooth Press the OK button to access the Menu. Navigate to Settings → Bluetooth. Select either Ena
NOTE: Calls to feature codes are not charged. Scope: Only Enswitch admin users will be able to create new feature codes. Default Feature Codes Some feature codes are defined within the system for Enswitch users. These codes are… Feature Code Function *1 Voicemail direct access. *2 Voicemail login. *3 Conference login. *4 Auto-attendant. *5 Numb
Note: If you would like help enabling text notifications for voicemails, feel free to contact our technical support team . Enable Text Notifications for Voicemails The Stratus Web Portal allows users to have email notifications sent to the user when a voicemail arrives in their inbox. Having a text message sent instead of, or in addition to, an em
Click on create a new account Click Yes two the next two questions Put the name of the domain in the hostname section (Case Sensitive) (Stratus)Stratus - Domain name (Case Sensitive) (ie: Click the check box for My Provider/PBX requires authentication. The Authentication username is the extension (ie 100m, 218z, or the for Enswitch
How Do I Port a Number from Google Voice to SpectrumVoIP Google Voice numbers are "locked" by default and must be "unlocked" prior to submitting a port request to move them to another provider. Google provides documentation on how to unlock your number with them here: Google Voice Support. They currently charge a $3 fee to do so. Once the number is
Note: The Tiered Round-Robin function was introduced in Stratus V43. Overview Round-Robin is a type of call queue that evenly distributes incoming calls one at a time depending on which user has not had a call in the longest amount of time. This is commonly used in call environments like a sales office where each sales agent needs to be given an