Stratus - Transfer a Call to Voicemail
Explore how you can transfer a caller to the mailbox of a coworker by dialing or using the StratusHUB desktop app.
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While handling calls, it may be necessary to send a caller to the voicemailbox of a user.
✔ Transferring a caller to someone's mailbox can be useful if that user is busy or out of office. Some callers may only want or have the time to leave that user a voicemail message.
Whatever reason there may be for needing to send a caller straight to voicemail, doing so can save the caller valuable time since they would not have to wait for the user's phone to stop ringing.
As a Stratus user, you can transfer a caller to voicemail using one of the following methods:
- Dial a code while initiating a transfer from a desk phone, the StratusHUB desktop app, or the SpectrumVoIP Stratus mobile app.
- Select a voicemail transfer while using StratusHUB's Dashboard.
Dial the 03 Code
One of the dialable codes that can be used on desk phones, the StratusHUB desktop app, and the Stratus mobile app is 03. When 03 is dialed in front of an extension number, you can be directly taken to that extension number's voicemailbox.
For example… If a user needs to leave a voicemail for extension 100, they can dial 0-3-1-0-0 from their desk phone to be taken directly to x100's mailbox. They can wait for the greeting to stop playing to leave a message.
If a user needs to check extension 100's mailbox for them, they can dial 0-3-1-0-0. Once they hear the mailbox's greeting, they can press star (*) to interrupt the greeting and enter x100's voicemail PIN when prompted.
The 03 code can be used to transfer an active call to a user's voicemailbox as well. To transfer a caller to a voicemailbox using the 03 code…
- Press the Transfer button on your SpectrumVoIP desk phone, cordless handset, or softphone.
- On the dialing screen, dial 03 and the user's extension number.
Quick Tip: If your device has speed dials, BLF buttons, or quick dials, you can press that button for the user after dialing 03.
For example… To transfer a caller to extension 100's mailbox, dial 0-3-1-0-0.
If there is a BLF button on your desk phone for that user, you can dial 03 and then press the user's BLF button. -
Complete the transfer as normal for your device.
Completing a Transfer
Use the information below to explore the different ways you can complete a transfer on our most commonly used phones and softphones:
From a Yealink desk phone, do one of the following:
• For a Blind Transfer, press the B Transfer softkey.
• For an Attended Transfer, press Transfer a second time.From a Yealink cordless handset, press the TRAN button or Transfer softkey.
From the SpectrumVoIP Stratus mobile app, do one of the following:
• For a Blind Transfer, press the Call button after dialing.
• For an Attended Transfer, press the Transfer button that appears at the bottom of the call.
From the StratusHUB desktop app, do one of the following:
• For a Blind Transfer, click the Call button.
• For an Attended Transfer, click the Complete Transfer button.
Use StratusHUB's Dashboard
The StratusHUB desktop app offers a Dashboard feature that can be a great tool for receptionists and operators to use to handle and direct calls.
To access the Dashboard of StratusHUB, click the Dashboard icon found on the top-right corner of the desktop app.
With the Dashboard, you can drag and drop calls to transfer them to contacts shown in the right panel. One of the transfers that can be selected is a Voicemail Transfer.
To do this for an active call, click and drag the call from the Active Calls panel to a contact in the Contacts panel. In the Transfer menu, select VOICEMAIL TRANSFER.

Note: To learn more about the other features you can use in StratusHUB, read this user guide.