Ring Agents in a Certain Order
Discover how you can arrange your agents' positions in a call queue to fit your call routing needs.
Table of Contents
Adjust an Agent's Order
Over time, it may be necessary to update the order that agents ring in the call queue.
Note: The types of queues that can ring agents in a certain order are Linear Hunt, Linear Cascade, and Tiered Round Robin queues.
Ring All call queues will ring all agents at once.
Round Robin queues will ring agents depending on how long they have been waiting for a call.
If your queue is a Ring All or Round-Robin queue, then you may need to consider changing its type to one that can ring agents in a defined order.
To learn more about each type of call queue, check out these articles.
Update a Call Queue's Type
1. Click the Edit icon next to a call queue needing its type changed.
2. In the Type section of the Basic tab, select the type of queue to use.
Quick Tip: Hover your mouse over the Information icon to view what that type of queue does.
3. Once you are done, click the Save button.
To adjust an agent's order in a call queue…
- Navigate to the Call Queues page.
- Click the Edit Agents
icon next to the call queue needing its ring order adjusted.
- In the Edit Agents menu, click the Edit Agent icon next to an agent needing to be re-ordered.
- Use the Order in Linear Hunt drop-down to select the new position for the agent in the queue's ring order.
Note: If you are adjusting a Tiered Round-Robin queue's order, then this drop-down will be named Tier in Round-robin instead.
- Click the Save Agent button.
- If needed, repeat steps 3-5 for each agent needing their order changed.
✔ You should now be able to see your agents listed with their Order updated.
- Click the Done button to return to the Call Queues page.