Types of Call Center Reports
Learn more about the different Call Center Reports that can be viewed through the Call Center page of the Stratus Web Portal.
Table of Contents
The Stratus Web Portal can generate custom reports that can be used to measure the productivity of your call center, call queues, and agents. These reports provide a graphical overview of call center statistics over a given period of time.
The Queue Stats Report
The Queue Stats report allows supervisors to view specific attributes on a queue-by-queue basis based on user-configurable attributes.

Add or Remove Stats from the Table
The Table Settings button can be used to select the statistics that will be showing in the table.
Statistic | Description |
Call Volume (VOL) |
Total number of calls originating through a Call Queue. Includes calls answered/retrieved by agents, abandoned calls, calls forwarded to a queue's forwarding destination for unanswered calls, and calls connected to an agent's voicemail. • Call Volume (VOL) = Calls Offered (CO) + Forward (FWD) + Abandoned Calls (AC) |
Calls Handled (CH) |
Number of calls originating from a call queue that are answered/retrieved by an agent and handled through ending or transferring the call. This also includes calls that were connected to an agent's voicemail. Excludes abandoned calls and calls forwarded to a queue's forwarding destination for unanswered calls. • Calls Handled (CH) = Calls Offered (CO) - Abandoned Calls (AC) - Forward (FWD) |
Calls Offered (CO) |
Total number of calls that reached the queue to be dispatched to agents. Includes abandoned calls and assisted calls. |
Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO) |
Total number of calls that reached the queue. This statistic is adjusted to exclude calls that were abandoned in less than 10 seconds. • Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO) = Calls Offered (CO) - Adjusted Abandoned Calls (AAC) |
Voicemail (VM) |
Number of calls handled by the automated voicemail system. Only triggered if the caller leaves an audible voicemail at a traditional or system/functional extension. |
Forward (FWD) |
Number of calls forwarded to a queue's forwarding destination for unanswered calls, such as an agent's voicemail, another queue, or an offnet phone number for handling. Must have a voicemail, queue, or offnet (external) phone number set as FWD Destination in the “In Queue Options” for this to be triggered. |
Avg Talk Time (ATT) |
Average number of minutes spent by agent talking per call on calls originating through a Call Queue. Excludes hold time. |
Avg After Call Work (ACW) | Average time an agent spends between the end of a call and submitting call disposition. |
Avg Hold Time (AH) | Average time a caller spends on hold with an agent. Excludes waiting time in the Call Queue. |
Service Level (SL) |
Percentage of calls answered originating through the queue within a set amount of time. The default is 60 seconds, but other time windows are available. The Abandon Rate (AR) will be deducted from the service level percentage. For example, if you have 100% of calls hitting Service Level, but you have an Abandon Rate of 2.1%, your Service Level would be 97.9%. |
Dial Transfers (DT) | Percentage of calls that landed in the queue and were offered to an agent. |
Abandoned Calls (AC) |
Number of calls that abandoned the queue before being offered to an agent. Only triggered if the caller disconnects while the queue is ringing the agents; not during any voicemail greeting or automated system voice-over message within the call flow. |
Adjusted Abandon Calls (AAC) |
Adjusted number of calls that abandoned the queue. Excludes calls abandoned in less than 10 seconds. (Abandoned Calls) - (Number of calls abandoned in less than 10 seconds) |
Abandon Rate (AR) |
Percentage of calls offered that were abandoned. Abandoned Calls (AC) / Calls Offered (CO). |
Adjusted Abandon Rate (AAR) |
Percentage of calls offered that were abandoned by the incoming caller after ringing for 10+ seconds. Adjusted Abandoned Calls (AAC) / Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO). |
Avg Handle Time (AHT) |
Average time an agent spent on a call. Includes Talk Time (TT), Hold Time (AH), and Disposition Time (ACW) |
Avg Wait Time (AWT) | Average time calls are waiting in the queue before an agent answers. This can be thought of as the Average Answer Speed. |
Change the Stat Shown in the Graph
The line graph shown in the Report page will display one stat at a time. The stat shown can be adjusted.
To pick a different stat to be shown in the line graph, click Call Volume and select the stat that should be shown.
Color Code the Graph
You can click the checkboxes in the first column for Call Queue statistics to color-code the graph to better visualize the activity for each queue.

Quick Tip: Clicking the Graph icon will toggle all of the checkboxes on/off.
The Agent Stats Report
The Agent Stats report shows statistics for each agent in your queues.
Filter Agent Data
To make sorting through your agents' data easier, you can filter the agents shown in the table and graph.
There are two ways that you can filter your agents:
1. Use the Department drop-down to only show agents in a certain Department.
2. Use the Queue drop-down to only show agents in a certain Call Queue.
Add or Remove Stats from the Table
The Table Settings button can be used to select the statistics that will be showing in the table.
Statistic | Description |
Calls Handled (CH) |
Number of calls an agent answers from a queue and then handles through transferring, parking, or the call ending (by the caller or agent). This includes calls that go to an agent's voicemail and forwards. |
Avg Talk Time (ATT) |
Average number of minutes spent by agent talking per call on calls originating through a Call Queue. Excludes hold time and wait time. |
Avg After Call Work (ACW) | Average time an agent spends between the end of a call and submitting a call disposition. |
Avg Hold Time (AH) | Average time a caller spends on hold with an agent. Excludes waiting time in the Call Queue. |
Avg Handle Time (AHT) |
Average time an agent spent on a call. Includes Talk Time (TT), Hold Time (AH), and Disposition Time (ACW) |
Logged in Hours (LI) | Total time an agent status is set to Online. |
Talking Time (TT) | Total number of minutes spent by agent on answered calls originating through a Call Queue. |
Available (AM) |
Total time an agent is available for calls. Includes time Logged In/Online status. Excludes Break, Lunch, Meeting, Unavailable, Web, and Other statuses. |
Calls Assisted (AST) | Number of calls answered and passed onto a different agent for further handling. Agents who handled the queued call but were not the final handler will be given an assist count. |
Unavailable (UM) |
Total time an agent is not available for calls. Includes time Logged Off/Offline Status, Break, Lunch, Meeting, Web, and Other statuses. Excludes Available. |
Lunch (L) | Total time an agent status is set to Lunch. |
Break (B) | Total time an agent status is set to Break. |
Meeting (M) | Total time an agent status is set to Meeting. |
The Web (W) | Total time an agent status is set to Web. |
Other (O) | Total time an agent status is not Available, Break, Lunch, Meeting, or Web. |
Outbound Attempt (OATT) |
Number of outbound call attempts by agent. Excludes on-net calls and conference calls. |
Outbound Answered (OANS) |
Number of outbound calls by agent answered by a remote party. Includes calls answered by voicemail. Excludes on-net calls and conference calls. |
Outbound Minutes (OM) |
Number of minutes spent by agent on outbound calls. Excludes call center calls, on-net calls, and conference calls. |
Outbound Average (OAvg) |
Average length of time spent by agent on outbound calls. Excludes call center calls, on-net calls, and conference calls. |
Inbound Answered (IANS) |
Counts any call that an agent picks up that originated through a queue. This includes calls that were previously handled by another agent, such as parked calls. Excludes on-net calls and conference calls. |
Inbound Calls Today (IA) | Number of calls that were dispatched to an agent from a queue. Calls that were dispatched and abandoned or not answered will be counted. This includes calls that were previously handled by another agent, such as parked calls. Excludes on-net calls and conference calls. |
Inbound Minutes (IM) |
Number of minutes spent by an agent on inbound calls from a call queue. Excludes on-net calls and conference calls. |
Inbound Average (IAVG) |
Average length of time spent by an agent on inbound calls. Includes call center calls. Excludes on-net calls and conference calls. |
Missed Call (MC) | Number of calls originating through a call queue offered to an agent but not answered. This includes multiple attempts if a call loops through all agents but excludes unanswered simultaneous ring calls. |
Change the Stat Shown in the Graph
The line graph shown in the Report page will display one stat at a time. The stat shown can be adjusted.
To pick a different stat to be shown in the line graph, click Call Volume and select the stat that should be shown.
Color Code the Graph
You can click the checkboxes in the first column for Call Queue statistics to color-code the graph to better visualize the activity for each queue.

Quick Tip: Clicking the Graph icon will toggle all of the checkboxes on/off.
The Agent Availability Report
The Agent Availability report shows a breakdown of how long each agent in a queue has been on different statuses.
Show Specific Statuses
The Table Settings button can be used to select the default and custom statuses that will be showing in the table and graph.
Filter Agent Data by Department
If needed, the agents shown in the Agent Availability report can be filtered to help declutter and simplify your view of the table and graph.
Use the Department drop-down to view the availability data of agents in specific Departments.
Dialed Number Stats Report
The Dialed Number (DNIS) Stats report shows information based on the Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS). DNIS is a telephone service that informs the receiver about a call that the caller dialed. DNIS is a common feature utilized by 800 and 900 services.
If you have multiple 800 or 900 numbers to the same destination, the DNIS tells you which number was called and how it was dialed.
Adjust Dialed Numbers Shown
You can click the checkboxes in the first column for Call Queue statistics to hide/show specific numbers dialed in the graph.

Quick Tip: Clicking the Graph icon will toggle all of the checkboxes on/off.
Add or Remove Stats from the Table
The Table Settings button can be used to select the statistics that will be showing in the table.
Statistic | Description |
Call Volume (VOL) |
Total number of calls originating through this phone number that is dispatched to one or more queues. Includes calls answered/retrieved by agents, abandoned calls, calls forwarded to a queue's forwarding destination for unanswered calls, and calls connected to an agent's voicemail. • Call Volume (VOL) = Calls Offered (CO) + Forward (FWD) + Abandoned Calls (AC) |
Calls Handled (CH) |
Number of calls originating from a call queue that are answered/retrieved by an agent and handled through ending or transferring the call. This also includes calls that were connected to an agent's voicemail. Excludes abandoned calls and calls forwarded to a queue's forwarding destination for unanswered calls. • Calls Handled (CH) = Calls Offered (CO) - Abandoned Calls (AC) - Forward (FWD) |
Calls Offered (CO) |
Total number of calls that reached the queue to be dispatched to agents. Includes abandoned calls and assisted calls. |
Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO) |
Total number of calls that reached the queue. This statistic is adjusted to exclude calls that were abandoned in less than 10 seconds. • Adjusted Calls Offered (ACO) = Calls Offered (CO) - Adjusted Abandoned Calls (AAC) |
Voicemail (VM) | Number of calls handled by the automated voicemail system. |
Forward (FWD) | Number of calls forwarded to a queue's forwarding destination for unanswered calls, such as an agent's voicemail, another queue, or an offnet phone number for handling. |
Avg Talk Time (ATT) |
Average number of minutes spent by agent talking per call on calls originating through a Call Queue. Excludes hold time. |
Avg After Call Work (ACW) | Average time an agent spends between the end of a call and submitting call disposition. |
Avg Hold Time (AH) |
Average time a caller spends on hold with an agent. Excludes waiting time in the Call Queue. |
% Service Level (SL) |
Percentage of calls answered originating through the queue within a set amount of time. The default is 60 seconds, but other time windows are available. The Abandon Rate (AR) will be deducted from the service level percentage. For example, if you have 100% of calls hitting Service Level, but you have an Abandon Rate of 2.1%, your Service Level would be 97.9%. |
% Dial Transfers (DT) | Percentage of calls that landed in the queue and were offered to an agent. |
Abandoned Calls (AC) | Number of calls that abandoned the queue before being offered to an agent. |
Adjusted Abandon Calls (AAC) | Adjusted number of calls that abandoned the queue. Excludes calls abandoned in less than 10 seconds. (Abandoned Calls) - (Number of calls abandoned in less than 10 seconds) |
Abandon Rate (AR) |
Percentage of calls offered that were abandoned. (Abandoned Calls AC) / (Calls Offered CO). |
Adjusted Abandon Rate (AAR) |
Percentage of calls offered that were abandoned by the incoming caller after ringing for 10+ seconds. (Adjusted Abandoned Calls AAC) / (Adjusted Calls Offered ACO). |
Avg Handle Time (AHT) |
Average time an agent spent on a call. Includes Talk Time (TT), Hold Time (AH), and Disposition Time (ACW) |
Avg Wait Time (AWT) | Average time calls are waiting in the queue before an agent answers. This can be thought of as the Average Answer Speed. |
Change the Stat Shown in the Graph
The line graph shown in the Report page will display one stat at a time. The stat shown can be adjusted.
To pick a different stat to be shown in the line graph, click Call Volume and select the stat that should be shown.
Filter DNIS Data by Queue
Use the Queue drop-down to only show the stats for numbers that direct callers to a certain Call Queue.
The Abandoned Calls Report
The Abandoned Calls report shows a graph and data about calls that have been recorded as abandoned.

Note: Time is measured along the x-axis and the number of calls abandoned is measured along the y-axis.
Each abandoned call and the information about these calls are shown in the table. The data shown includes…
• Date and time of the abandoned call.
• The From Name of the caller.
• The phone number of the caller (From)
• The on number and name of the Queue the abandoned call originated from.
• The number dialed by the caller of the abandoned call.
• How long (in seconds) the caller waited before abandoning the call.
These abandoned calls are usually the result of callers hanging up before their call is answered, or from their call dropping due to technical issues. Most abandoned calls occur in the first 10 seconds (2 rings) of a call.
Filter Abandoned Calls by Queue
Use the Queue drop-down to only abandoned calls recorded for a certain Call Queue.